Today these sweet munchkins will never know the joy of having a shiny quarter and going to the corner store and picking out a TON of penny candy, well maybe not a TON, but at least enough to fill up a crinkly little brown paper bag and sitting on the curb and feeling like you are just about the richest little kid in the whole wide world...sigh... BUT WAIT! You can still have some of those old favorites. Thats right Shauna over at Trying to Stay Calm has a review and a Giveaway for a whole gallon can of Nostalgia from The Blair Candy Company. MMMmmm. Wow, I'm thinkin'....
Chunky, Good n Plenty, Mason Dots, Milk Duds, Necco Wafers,Sugar Babies, Sugar Daddy, Candy Necklace, Hot Tamales, Lemon Heads, and Peanut Chews, Chiclets Peppermint, Teaberry Gum, B B Bats, Atomic Fireballs, Caramel Creams, Chic-o-Stick, Jaw Breakers, Mary Janes, Nut Zipper, Sixlets, Dubble Bubble Gum,Rootbeer Barrels and bit-o-honey. Giveaway ends on Tues. Oct. 13th, 2009.